WLYH Rental Rates
WA Airstream Club Members, Affiliates, and Public (Airstream only) Rates
The Washington Land Yacht Harbor “Terraport” offers ninety three (93+) Airstream-exclusive RV sites with full hookups, including 30 amp service, water, sewer, and limited in-park WiFi.
RV Reservations
RV Site Rates
Standard rates:
ACI Members (Daily) $55
All other Airstreamers (Daily) $65
Cancellation $15.00
Washington Airstream Club (WAC) & Affiliate Member discount rates:
Daily $45
Weekly $270
Monthly $825
(2-month notice required)
RV Park Rules
Download pdf
Are you an Airstream Club International (ACI) member? You can sign up here or ask about becoming a Washington Airstream Club (WAC) affiliate member!
Vehicle Storage Rates
The Washington Land Yacht Harbor offers 111 vehicle storage sites, with RV wash & dump at an additional charge. We also offer seventeen (17) RV storage sites with electrical hookups, including 30-amp service.
Non-Discounted rates:
Dry Storage $125.00 per month
WA Unit & Affiliate Member discount rates:
Dry Storage $75.00 per month
Electric Storage $180.00 per month
Are you a WBCCI Member? Ask about becoming a WLYH affiliate member!
Only well kept RV’s are allowed in the Park. Management reserves the right to refuse admission to vehicles not meeting Park standards. No Refunds.