Harmony Hall Access

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Here is the new code to access Harmony Hall:

848725 + ✔️ (check mark button) to unlock.

Press the Yale button on the very top to lock.

This code is active during the hours of 7am-8pm at this time. We will arrange a physical distribution of the code as well.

Please do NOT share this code outside of Harbor residents. If there is abuse of the code, it will need to be changed. Please keep the code with you as the door will not remain unlocked indefinitely after the code has been used.

Thank you to Lance Zielinski and Jim Bevan for many hours of switching out locks and troubleshooting network issues to make maintaining building access sustainable and flexible. WLYH is a primarily volunteer run organization; every person that contributes to the operations of WLYH puts in an immeasurable amount of time and energy into ensuring that everything runs smoothly. We are grateful for the work that our volunteers do!